January 17, 2006
Nixzmary Brown

از طریق: شهرزاد سپانلو

I cry for you little Nixzmary Brown
My heart feels heavy, heavier than it has felt in a long long time
This sadness starts with your story my dear Nixzmary, but doesn't end there. It takes me to the lives of untold number of children living in terror and pain, without a soul they can run to. Small, fragile beings who taste pain and sadness day after day by those closest to them. Little angels who can't even rest their weary heads on a pillow at night without fearing what could happen to them at any minute. They are everywhere, from here in the land of plenty to Iran, my beloved home. The present and the past is filled with them. And the future too. And I feel so insignificant and so helpless against this injustice, this cruelty. My heart feels torn and my throat swollen. If only I could reach out to you and to all those chilren and kiss your feverish foreheads one by one, hold your hands and tell you that it will be okay and take you away from the hell you live in. But all I can do is just hold my own daughter and cry for you quietly.
Ahhh, I am so insignificant and so useless. All I can do is cry tonight. Just cry
